(Jackie) Chan Ka Kui single handedly takes down a drug baron and then gets assigned to protect his secretary so she can testify against her former boss. But she's not co-operating, Jackie's girlfriend is jealous of his 'relationship' with her, and the Drug Lords henchmen want Chan and the secretary dead.
Car Park Stakeout
Chan and his girlfriend hide out inside this Car Park while staking out the Wing On Plaza, once he notices Chu Tao turn up with his henchmen he makes a move.
Movie Location:
Hung Hom Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, , Kowloon, Hong Kong
Wing On Plaza
You can only push Jackie Chan so far, and he's been pushed more than enough at this point. Selina has the evidence she needs and is trying to get out of the Wing On Plaza when she's attacked by Chu Tao's men. The whole of the fight sequence was filmed here at the Wing On Plaza, including Jackie Chan's infamous stunt where he slides down a pole through hundreds of light bulbs.
Movie Location:
62 Mody Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, , Kowloon, Hong Kong